Release History

  • v1.3.0 - March 1st, 2021

    • Updated color style: Add Accessible color palette

      Updated Header: Add Covid-19 link in Global Navigation

      Updated footer: Add SCAM ALERT link in footer

  • v1.2.0 - August 31st, 2020

    New Enhancements
    • New Accessibility Header Footer

      The World Bank header and footer are now fully compliant with WCAG 2.1. and accessible for those with disabilities using keyboard and screen readers to navigate the site.

      The following are a list of high level features:

      • Clear and visual focus indicator helps low vision, Keyboard-only and cognitive user to know which is the focusable and operable item
      • Keyboard support: added following keyboard support for screen reader user and keyboard-only user to interact with mega-menu
      • Use “Enter” or “Space” key to opens the submenu and places focus on its first item when focus is on a menu item that has a submenu, else activates the item and closes the menu

        Use “down arrow” to open submenu and places focus on the first item in the submenu When focus is on a menu item in a menu bar.

        Use “Up arrow” to moves focus to the previous item when focus is in a menu,

        Use “Right arrow” to perform following user experience

        When focus is in a menu bar, moves focus to the next item

        When focus is in a menu and on a menu item that has a submenu, opens the submenu and places focus on its first item.

        Use “left arrow” to perform following user experience

        When focus is in a menu bar, moves focus to the previous item, optionally wrapping from the first to the last.

        When focus is in a submenu of an item in a menu, closes the submenu and returns focus to the parent menu item.

        Use “Escape” key to close the menu that contains focus and return focus to the element or context from which menu was opened

      • All the form field has been associated with logical and visual form field using various techniques so that screen readers , screen magnifiers and speech to text software (dragon natural speak) users can understand the purpose of such field and interact with them
      • Improved color contrast so that people with low vision and cognitive disability can read and understand text.
  • v1.1.0 - August 1st, 2018
    Download Loop Design System (1.1.0)  
    New Enhancements
    • Designer Guideline
      Qualitative design guidelines and links to examples of use cases have been aded for most components
    • Accordions
      Dropdovn accordian component added.
    • Body Content
      Updated to include examples of available inline elements.
    • Stay Connected
      Social media component added.

    • Updated Table components: Enhansed to reflect updated visual guidelines.
    • Updated Header: Updated to reflect updated header search functionality.
    • Updated Banner: Banners v3 and v4 have been removed.
    • Updated Breadcrumb Navigation: Enhansed to reflect updated visual guidelines and functionality.
  • v1.0.2 - october 31st, 2017
    Download Loop Design System (1.0.2)  
    New Enhancements
    • Banner
    • Left Navigation
      A Menu offers a list of actions or functions that a user can access.
    • Table
      Use the Data Table component to arrange information into rows and columns.
    • Pullquote
    • Synopsis

    • Updated Class names: Rename the class (_loop_) in all classes to (lp__).
    • Updated footer components: Update form element for News subscription Page.
    • Updated Component Variation: Add Group link list, Icon link list, and Author Link list
    • Updated Expert Component: Rename class lp__experts_vertical_section vs lp__experts_stack_section and lp__experts_horizontal_section vs lp__experts_inline_section.
    • Updated Icon: Add File Type Icons
  • v1.0.1 - September 18th, 2017

    New Enhancements
    • Header & Footer
      Demo and download World Bank header and footer code. Headers and footers are available in full variants, in English, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese and Arabic.
    • Updated Global Navigation and header& footer Component: updated JS codes for Header/Footer components
  • v1.0.1 - August 31st, 2017
    Download Loop Design System (1.0.1)  
    New Components
    • Card Style
      Card-Style using various options for customizing their backgrounds, borders, and text color.
    • Forms
      An HTML form contains interactive controls to submit information to a web server.
    • Pagination
      The Pagination component enables the user to navigate pages in an ordered sequence, such as search results.
    • Multimedia

    • Updated Megamenu Component: Rename (Megamenu) component to (Header & Footer).
    • Updated Drodown Component: To change visual style of dropdown components and add primary and secondary dropdown inverse Color variation.
  • v1.0.0 - June 30th, 2017
    Download Loop Design System (1.0.0)  
    Initial Release